Description of the simulator

The Simulator

The Main-window

This Window let the user control the main parameters of the simulator.
In the upper left you can specify the number of qubits you wish to simulate. Enter the number and click reset. Enter large numbers at your own risk. A Qubit count of 16 is considered to be safe.
The measure-button on the upper right let you measure the current superposition. The superpostion does not get destroyed, like in a real quantum computer. The result is printed behind the button. This operation is always executed after executing an operator. You do not even have to use it, because you can see the actual probabilities in the probabilitygraph, which of course, provides more detailed information than a measurement. At least, it is nice gimmick.
The buttons in the middle of the window control the history functions of QCI. By clicking the back or forward button, you can browse through the list of states, produced during the executing of the operators. The left number of the history postion indicates the actual position. If you execute an operation, all operations executed previously after the actual history position get lost. As operators can execute other operators as subroutines, the history is implemented as a tree. To indicate the depth of the tree the user want to see, the historydepth-value can be changed be clicking the + or - buttons. Thus the historydepth-value relates to the number of steps jumped over when browsing the history and watching the history in the History-Dialog. Increase the historydepth-value if you want to see the details of an operator. Decrease it, if you have many operations in your history and want to get an abstract view of what happend.
The probabilitysum is the sum over the probabilities of all superpositions. Thus, it should always be 1. It helps to debug new operators. If the sum is not equal to 1 after execution of the new operator, the operator is not unitary.

The Gates-window

This window shows the installed quantum gates. They are sorted in a treestructured indentical to the directorystructure they are stored in, starting in ".\gates". Selecting a gate will show the respective Parameter-window.

The Parameter-Window

The Parameter-window is specified by the each gate. Please refer to the Documentation of Quantum Gates for an explanation of the available options for each gate.

The State-Window

The current state of the Quantumregister can be seen in CAT-notation in the State-Window.

The Registergraph

This is a visualisation of the current state. For each classical state, the complex factor is drawn. The states are ordered ascending from left to right. The bits are interpreted in the other direction then in normal classical interpretation. E.G. in a 2 qubit system, the visualized factors in the graph relate to the CATs in the following order:
|00> |10> |01> |11>

The complex factors are represented as usual, except the axes are rotated 90°. Thus, the real-axe points up, the imaginary-axe points left.

The Probabilitygraph

According to the Resgistergraph, the Probabilitygraph shows the Probability of Measurement for each state. The order is identical to the Registergraph.

The History-Window

This window shows the last operations applied to the quantumregister.
Each two lines of text represent one operation. The first number is the depth in the history tree of the following operation. You can adjust the historydepth you want to see by clicking the + or - buttons on the Main-Window. The second number stands for the absolute operation number. The rest of the line is the string returned by the gate, representing itself. Mostlikely, it contains the name of the gate and some paramters. The second line contains the state after the operation.
An Operation with suboperations is shown in the history after its suboperations. E.G. in the screenshot above, the Walsh-Gates are suboperations of the Walshrange-Gate. It does not mean that 3 walsh-operations and a walshrange-operation is executed. It just means, that the Walshrange-operation transfered state 0 to state 4, and it did it by execting three walsh gates.

Copyright 2002 Marc Rochel