Executes one iteration of Grovers algorithm on the specified range of qubits. An Iteration of Grovers
algorithm is equal to the following operator:

Where WR is the Walshrange-operator applied on the range specified by from and to, P(0) the phaseoracle with function f with
only f(0) = 1 and P(x) the phaseoracle with function g(y) = 1 for all values y specified by the function-parameter.
from | First qubit of the range. |
to | Last qubit of the range. Has to be larger or equal to from. Otherwise, no operation is executed. |
function |
Specifies the values for which the oracle returns 1. Thus, these values are the values,
Grovers algorithm searches for. Entering -1 indicates, that this value-field is not used.
Only six values can be specified in the window. However, the implementation handles every possible oracle
and can be used as suboperation of other gates. |
The Operation is executed by clicking the Execute-button.