Gate-Description: Grover


Executes Grovers algorithm on the specified range of qubits.

Where WR is the Walshrange-operator applied on the range specified by from and to, GS the Groverstep-operator, executed times. Thus, Grovers algorithm searches in .


fromFirst qubit of the range.
toLast qubit of the range. Has to be larger or equal to from. Otherwise, no operation is executed.
function Specifies the values for which the oracle returns 1. Thus, these values are the values, Grovers algorithm searches for. Entering -1 indicates, that this value-field is not used. Only six values can be specified in the window. However, the implementation handles every possible oracle and can be used as suboperation of other gates.


The Operation is executed by clicking the Execute-button.

Copyright 2002 Marc Rochel